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Yoga Evolution Retreats 2024 - 2025

Discover Our Yoga Retreats Below

All Prices Are In Pounds

All prices are per person and include, food, accommodation, all classes

Single Room £600 - Twin Room £550 - Double Room £550 - Single/double en-suite £700 - Room with a veranda £750 - Eco caravan £500

Lead With The Breathe

Ashtanga Retreat

3rd  to the 10th of August 2024

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & Yin Yoga

Primary Series practice and yin yoga with meditation, sound healing gong baths

Join Peter & Sue for an ashtanga & yin yoga retreat exploring the primary series practice over the course of a week. Take time out to delve deep into your breath learning this powerful sequence of postures. Dive into the joints and meridians of the body with our yin yoga sequences.

With Peter & Sue

Late Summer Retreat

31st August to 7th September

Join Peter & Sue for a weeks retreat and delve deeply into yoga, qigong, yin, Meditation and sound healing journey's. Late summer represents a time to prepare for the next season which is the lungs. On this week we will explore practices that can strengthen the lung qi to boost the immune system. This can help to ward off any pathogens during the colder months by ensuring our energy is strong and flowing freely.

Vinyasa Flow, Meditation (Micro cosmic Orbiting), Qigong (Muscle Tendon Changing) 6 healing Sounds, Inner Smile, Shamanic Drum Journey's, Yin Yoga, Organ Health, Gong Healing

7th to the 14th of September 2024

Flow with Freya

Join Freya as she guides you through creative sequences, to help you find strength and mobility in your practice. An opportunity to discover a sense of flow within body and mind and reconnect with the joy of movement! The morning practice will be centred around Vinyasa flow, finding connections and transitions between poses, with a focus on promoting healthy and functional movement. The evening classes will dive into Yin Yoga and Restorative practices to encourage a sense of calm and connection. There will also be opportunities to explore breathwork and meditation throughout the week.

Vinyasa Flow & Yin Yoga

With Freya

yin yoga training courses

100 Hours Yin Yoga Techer Training over 10 Days

24th September to 5th of October 2024

With Peter & Sue

New Year Yoga Retreat 2024/2025
New Year Yoga Retreat

28th December 2024 to 4th of January 2025

Vinyasa Flow, Meditation (Micro cosmic Orbiting), Qigong (Muscle Tendon Changing) 6 healing Sounds, Inner Smile, Shamanic Drum Journey's, Yin Yoga, Gong Healing, Fire Ceremony for releasing old patters and bringing in new ones.

With Peter & Sue

Yoga Retreat February

9th to 15th 2025

Vinyasa Flow, Meditation (Micro cosmic Orbiting), Qigong (Muscle Tendon Changing) 6 healing Sounds, Inner Smile, Shamanic Drum Journey's, Yin Yoga, Organ Health, Gong Healing

With Peter & Sue


I have had a truly rejuvenating and enriching stay. not only do i feel well rested and energized, more so leaving with the feeling of motivation and am inspired to return home again. what marks this retreat as unique is the wholesome balance which peter and sue achieve in the  way they live. They enjoy a beautiful and respectful relationship with the earth in this part of Europe and this is reflected in there yoga practice and there diet. There macrobiotic lifestyle means that nothing is wasted and everything is free to move through the cycle of nature. this balance is captured  in  there approach to yoga and you are taught the dynamics by which to reconnect with the breath with the earth and with your inner awareness. What i found refreshing was the unpretentious way peter and sue where  able to recreate the conditions by which i was able to reconnect with nature.

They live in a beautiful part of Portugal in Europe which is surrounded by hills valleys and forests. the yoga spaces take  you right  out onto the edges of these dramatic views. the food is delicious and leaves you feeling nourished and grounded. You will truly  enjoy the wonders of this rustic rural yoga retreat.
I did!

Zahra, Southampton, UK
Copyright: Yoga Evolution Retreats 2024
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